On 1 February 2022, UNDP Blue Resilience successfully facilitated the first in a series of digital technical workshops coordinated by the International Blue Justice Tracking Center, Vardø, Norway. The workshop was held in cooperation with Cabo Verde authorities, which were well represented by colleagues from the General Fisheries Inspection (IGP) and Maritime Security Operation Center (COSMAR).
Cabo Verde joined the Copenhagen Ministerial Declaration against Transnational Organized Crime in the Global Fishing Industry in April 2021 and registered as a user of the Blue Justice Community in November 2021.
The objective of the workshop series is to support member countries of the Blue Justice Community in building capacity to cooperatively combat transnational organised crime in the fishing industry. To this end, the series facilitates the sharing of knowledge and technical know-how between the Blue Justice Tracking Center and national partners.

The interactive workshop, comprising a presentation by the Tracking Centre’s chief analyst along with Q&A and discussion with COSMAR colleagues, highlighted the comprehensive suite of tools and techniques used by the Tracking Center for tracking movement of vessels in national waters towards identifying illegal activity in the fisheries sector. It also raised points of particular national interest and clarity.The workshop was additionally attended by representatives from the Blue Justice Initiative Secretariat.